زراعة اللحية والشارب

Beard and mustache transplantation

Are you constantly searching for a permanent and effective solution to the problem of beard and mustache hair loss, but to no avail? Have your friends told you about tried and tested solutions, but they all failed? DHI Hair Transplant is an effective way to restore your masculine features again permanently.

In this article, we will discuss the direct hair transplantation technique for beard and mustache transplantation and answer the most important questions, “When do the results of beard transplantation appear?” In addition to the most important steps and tips that you can follow after the operation to maintain the results, ensure healthy beard hair growth, and restore your distinctive look...so follow along with us.

What is the cause of beard and mustache hair loss, weakness, or non-growth?

If you are suffering from beard and mustache hair loss, the following reasons may be involved in the development of this phenomenon:

  • Genetic factors: Genes play a major role in the occurrence of this condition.
  • Hormonal changes and psychological stress: Hormonal changes and low levels of testosterone play a role in beard and mustache hair loss, as well as psychological stress.
  • Skin diseases: Some skin diseases contribute to beard hair loss, such as eczema and fungal infection.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy causes hair loss in several areas of the body, including hair on the head, beard, and mustache.

Each of the above cases has a specific method of treatment. Not all cases are suitable for beard and mustache transplantation. For more information about the possibility of beard and mustache transplantation, please visit us at the DHI International Center in its branch in Egypt, where you will receive the necessary advice to determine whether or not you qualify for transplantation.



How is beard and mustache transplantation performed using DHI technology?

DHI technology has evolved over 15 years and is completely state-of-the-art. Despite the many methods of hair transplantation, the DHI technique has proven its effectiveness worldwide. We can summarize the steps for beard and mustache transplantation using the DHI technique as follows:

First: Preparing for the operation

We will prepare you for the operation and discuss all the details and what you should pay attention to before and after the operation, including avoiding some medications that cause dizziness and quitting smoking. We will also tell you what you might feel after the procedure, how to deal with it and when to contact us.

Second: extracting hair follicles

Under local anesthesia, and with the help of very small instruments, the surgeon removes the follicles individually from the donor area of the scalp, which is usually from the back of the head. The main reason for this is that these areas are not genetically affected by hair loss. What distinguishes this technique is that there is no need to make a surgical incision in the scalp, as is the case with the FUT technique.

Third: Temporary storage of hair follicles

During the period between hair follicle extraction and transplantation, our medical team will store the follicles in a specialized liquid at a constant temperature, which preserves the follicles during this period. It is worth noting that the follicles are not separated or cut as in other traditional methods, but rather they are inserted in the same way, which leads to a higher growth rate later.

Fourth: Hair follicle transplantation

Using an implantation tool specially developed for DHI technology, which is a pen about 10 cm long, with a tip diameter of 1 mm, the hair follicle is attached to it and pressed directly into the areas that need transplantation in the beard and mustache.

Fifth: When will the results of the beard transplant appear?

If you are wondering when the results of beard transplantation appear?... After beard and mustache transplantation, you can feel the results within a few weeks, but in general the final results come in the period between 9 to 12 months.

The steps of beard and mustache transplantation using the DHI direct hair transplantation technique are carried out by well-trained hair transplant experts who are qualified to perform hair transplantation with extreme precision.

ALso know:

Beard transplant after a month

The cost of beard hair transplant in Egypt


What should be considered after Beared transplant?

Following the instructions after beard and mustache hair transplantation is absolutely essential to ensure successful results and obtain the highest possible growth rate for the follicles. You should adhere to the following for healthy hair growth:

  • Try to keep the transplanted areas away from water for at least 72 hours after the procedure.
  • As much as possible, keep your head up and avoid bending over.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sports activities for two weeks after the operation because they may cause the transplanted hair follicles to fall out, in addition to being likely to increase blood pressure and cause bruising in the transplanted areas.
  • Avoid exposure to high humidity and direct sunlight for at least a month.
  • Adhere to the medications or creams prescribed by the doctor for a quick recovery.
  • Avoid smoking for at least two months after the procedure because it hinders the growth of the transplanted hair follicles and prolongs recovery time.

Chin implant problems

With beard and mustache transplantation, some minor side effects appear that disappear later. The severity of chin transplant problems depends on the individual himself. Some common chin implant problems to consider:

  • Beard hair falls out, this is very normal in the healing process and new healthy hair will grow afterwards.
  • Swelling and redness are also common problems with chin implants.
  • Scars occur where the beard and mustache were transplanted, as well as in the places from which the hair was extracted.
  • You may feel some tightness in your face after the procedure.

If you experience any of these side effects more than two weeks after your transplant, be sure to contact your doctor.

We at the DHI Center realize the importance of a man’s need for beard and mustache transplantation, and how the results of this procedure affect his personal and professional life, his self-confidence, and his appearance. Therefore, we do not rely on technicians to perform this procedure, but rather we have a team of expert doctors trained at the highest international level to achieve the best results. With the testimony of our customers all over the world.

Don't wait too long and contact us now to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards greater self-confidence and an incomparably attractive appearance.