زراعة شعر اللحية

The latest beard hair transplantation techniques

Many consider growing a full, thick beard a symbol of masculinity and attractiveness in men. However, some men face challenges with beard hair growth, whether it is due to thinning hair, empty gaps, or even scarring in the area.

In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information about beard hair transplantation, including the latest technologies used in beard hair transplantation, and the steps of beard hair transplantation from consultation to results. We will also shed light on the necessary instructions and guidelines that must be followed before and after chin implantation, to ensure the best results and quick recovery.


Reasons that drive men to grow a beard

Beard hair transplantation is one of the cosmetic procedures that is becoming increasingly popular among men, due to many reasons, including:

  • Scars: Burns, wounds, or surgeries may cause scars in the facial area, affecting the normal growth of beard hair.
  • Genetic factors: Some men suffer from a lack of beard hair density or not growing normally due to genetic factors.
  • Alopecia: Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss all over the body, including the beard area.
  • Hormonal disorders: Some hormonal disorders may affect the growth of beard hair, causing it to become less dense or not to grow normally.
  • Psychological factors: Some psychological factors, such as stress and anxiety, can affect beard hair growth.
  • A desire to change their appearance: Men can resort to beard hair transplantation in a desire to change their appearance and improve their self-confidence.
  • Desire to have a thick beard: Some men prefer to have a thick beard for aesthetic, social, or cultural reasons.
  • Desire to hide facial defects: Beard hair transplantation can help hide some facial defects, such as acne scars or birth defects.
  • Desire to have a youthful appearance: Some men believe that beard hair transplantation helps them obtain a more youthful appearance.
  • Desire to imitate celebrities: Some men’s admiration for celebrities who have thick beards can influence their decision to grow beard hair.

All of these reasons are common motives for men to consider beard hair transplantation, but see how this procedure goes, this is what we will learn about in detail below.


What is beard hair transplant?

Beard transplantation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to grow beard hair in areas of the face that lack hair, such as the chin and mustache. This is done by moving hair follicles from an area of the scalp with high density (donor area) to an area that lacks hair (recipient area). Hair quality and health are important factors that the surgeon takes into consideration.

Chin hair can be transplanted using the latest techniques in hair transplantation, which are DHI or direct hair transplantation, or other techniques such as FUT or FUE.


Who is a suitable candidate for a beard hair transplant?

It may seem to some that beard hair transplantation is available to everyone, but in fact, there are some conditions that must be met by those seeking beard hair transplantation, which are as follows:

  • You have a patchy beard, or have thinning hair.
  • She has good general health, and does not suffer from chronic
  • diseases that interfere with the results of the operation and increase the risk of any complications.
  • You have healthy hair in the donor area, which allows follicles to be harvested and transplanted to the chin area.
  • You must be at least 25 years old.
  • You do not have any skin diseases that may hinder the hair transplantation process.

If you are one of those looking for beard hair transplantation in Saudi Arabia or Egypt, the DHI International Center with its branch in Egypt is fully prepared to meet your needs in beard hair transplantation and achieve the results you desire with complete safety and accuracy.


How to transplant beard hair using DHI technology

Beard hair transplantation using the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique is considered one of the latest techniques in the field of hair transplantation, as it is characterized by accurate results, rapid recovery, less scars, and a natural appearance that is superior to other techniques. If you are looking for beard hair transplantation in Saudi Arabia or Egypt, we now offer you a closer look at the steps followed by the DHI Center in Egypt for beard hair transplantation.

1. Counseling

  • The doctor will examine the beard area to determine the reason for the lack of hair density and not growing normally.
  • He will discuss with you your expectations about the results of the operation and provide you with all the information you need to make an appropriate decision.
  • The doctor will determine the number of follicles you need and the method of extracting them.

Also Know: The cost of beard hair transplant in Egypt

Beard transplant after a month

2. Pre-operative examinations

  • The doctor will ask you to undergo some tests to ensure your safety and health.
  • You will be asked to stop taking certain medications that may affect the results of the operation.

3. The day of the operation

  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  • The doctor will extract the follicles from the donor area (usually from the back of the head) using a special tool.
  • The doctor will implant the follicles in the beard area using a special tool called “Choi pen”.

After completing the operation successfully, you will have an important role in adhering to the surgeon's instructions. This commitment is not optional, but rather necessary. Of course, you do not want to waste all the costs of the process and waste the results achieved. We mention the instructions before and after chin implantation in the following paragraph.


Instructions before and after chin implant

Our doctors specializing in hair transplantation at the DHI Center in its branch in Egypt advise you to adhere to some instructions before and after the procedure so that the expected results are achieved efficiently and accurately. Pre- and post-chin implant instructions include the following:

Pre-operative instructions

  • Stop using tobacco products and drinking alcohol, to ensure a speedy recovery.
  • Stay away from medications that cause blood thinning, such as aspirin.
  • It is necessary to inform the doctor about any diseases or medications you are taking.
  • Get enough sleep and rest.


Post-operative instructions

After performing a beard transplant during the hair restoration period, you must adhere to the following for healthy hair growth:

  • Make sure to keep your head up.
  • Avoid smoking for at least two months after the procedure, so as not to hinder the growth of hair follicles.
  • Keep the transplanted areas away from water for at least 72 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous sports.
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight.
  • Commitment to taking medications and using prescribed hair care products.
  • The doctor may advise you to avoid washing your face immediately after the procedure for a few days, and to avoid rubbing the
  • transplanted area so as not to become irritated.
  • Refrain from swimming, until your doctor allows you to do so.


Are you looking for beard hair transplantation in Saudi Arabia?

If you are one of those looking for chin hair transplantation in Saudi Arabia, the DHI International Center with its branch in Egypt is happy to provide its services with the latest hair transplantation techniques in the world. DHI International Center in Egypt is the ideal choice for you for beard hair transplantation, as we offer you:

  • The latest hair transplantation techniques in the world: We use the innovative DHI technique for beard hair transplantation, which is characterized by its accuracy and rapid recovery.
  • Trained and specialized doctors: We have a team of trained and specialized doctors in hair transplantation, who will perform the procedure accurately and efficiently.
  • Post-operative follow-up: We make sure to follow up on your condition after the operation to ensure that you get the best results.

It is worth noting that we at DHI International Center do not rely on technicians or non-specialists in hair transplant procedures. From the beginning of the procedure until its completion, you will be under the care of our specialized doctors, ensuring you get the best results.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about beard hair transplantation at DHI Global Center. We will be happy to provide our services to you and help you get the chin look you desire.