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HST hair transplant with stem cell cloning

Medicine is advancing at an incredible rate, propelling us into new stages of innovative medical treatments, particularly in the field of hair transplantation. The spotlight is on HST hair transplant technology as a significant turning point. It is more than just a hair loss treatment; it represents a remarkable medical revolution that many people expect to be an effective solution for a variety of hair-related issues. 

Let us take a closer look at this ground-breaking technology, investigate its key challenges, and consider how it could be the new path to healthy, beautiful hair.


Hair Cloning Technology in 2024

Hair cloning is a developing technology that is still being researched and tested. The basic idea behind hair cloning is to multiply hair follicles taken from a person (from a non-hair loss area) using highly complex methods. These multiplied follicles are then reintroduced into the scalp, where they naturally and healthily grow.

The procedure has been successfully carried out in animal models, but several other stages in human models are required to examine the long-term effects and ensure the safety of this process.


Challenges behind hair cloning

The complications associated with the risk of damaging the stem cells of hair follicles and the possibility of tumor formation are what make hair cloning subject to experiments and studies. As a result, these obstacles must be overcome before it can be approved as a treatment.

The US Food and Drug Administration has refused to approve this treatment until consistent and reliable results are obtained, ensuring the procedure's long-term safety and effectiveness.



Different Cloning Hair Transplant Techniques

Before delving into more detail about HST hair transplant cloning technology, let's have a general overview of the various techniques for hair transplantation through cloning, which include:

Hair Follicle Cell Transplantation

This procedure involves carefully extracting healthy hair follicle cells from the scalp. Following that, these cells are properly nourished and multiplied within the laboratory. Once the cells have multiplied, they can be injected or implanted into balding areas to stimulate hair growth.

Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering is the process of combining hair follicle cells with a structure of synthetic or natural cells (on which tissues grow) in order to mimic a biological process outside the body or replace damaged tissues within the body. The goal is to stimulate cell growth and development.

This procedure creates a favorable environment for cell proliferation and differentiation, resulting in functional and healthy hair follicles that can be successfully implanted.

Stem Cell Cloning

Stem cells are distinguished by their ability to differentiate into various types of cells, including hair follicle cells. Scientists and researchers are investigating the use of various stem cell types, such as skin cells and multipotent stem cells, to generate new hair follicles.

Also Know: Cosmetic hair patch

HST hair transplant with stem cell cloning

HST hair transplant with stem cell cloning technology differs from traditional hair transplant procedures, which involve identifying and transplanting a limited number of hair follicles. Stem cells derived from a small skin sample are used in HST hair transplant.

These cells are then cloned in a laboratory before being reintroduced into the scalp. This procedure promotes the growth of new hair in both donor and affected areas of hair loss, resulting in effective and natural results.


Steps for an HST hair transplant:

  1. Using a circular blade tool rotating on the skin, a cylindrical tissue sample is extracted.
  2. Stem cells are separated from the tissues in a specialized machine called a centrifuge.
  3. The cell suspension is then reinjected into the scalp in areas affected by hair loss.

Several ongoing studies are still researching this type of treatment, and as of now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved this technology.

Stem Cell Cloning Hair Transplant Success Rate

An Italian study found a 29% increase in hair density by the 23rd week post-treatment, indicating a highly promising success rate.

With promising results from research and studies, hair transplantation via cloning could be a game changer in the field of hair loss treatment. Contact the DHI clinic in Egypt for more information on available hair transplantation methods and how to benefit from modern therapeutic techniques. The clinic provides hair transplantation specialists as well as personalized solutions to individual needs.



Which is better for hair, plasma, or stem cells?

We cannot say which is better, but plasma hair treatment is a well-established and approved therapy with numerous case studies. Stem cells, on the other hand, are still undergoing trials and research and have not yet been adopted as a standard treatment for hair loss.

What are the risks associated with stem cell transplantation?

There is a risk of bleeding or infection at the site of sampling and injection, as well as a slight risk of nerve or artery damage.