The growth of new hair and its integration with all hair is one of the most important signs of a successful hair transplant that everyone can notice, but the success of the operation as a whole depends on other signs that must all be present so that we can say that the transplant is successful. In this article, we will talk in detail about the signs of successful hair transplantation, and we will briefly mention the stages of hair transplantation using the DHI technique from Dr. Clinics. Hossam Tahseen - the only center accredited in Egypt by the global DHI network, which has 75 branches around the world. We answer the most important questions about transplant results and conclude our article with signs of hair transplant failure so that you get strong evidence that tells you the extent of the success or failure of the hair transplant process.
What are the signs of successful hair transplantation?
How do you know that the hair transplant operation is successful? In this paragraph, let us know what are the signs of successful hair transplantation:
New hair growth
New hair growth is the easiest sign that the procedure has been successful. This means that the transplanted hair follicles are well established in their new location and are growing new hair. You can see new hair growth within 3 or 4 months after the procedure, but this period may vary from person to person.
Hair density
Increased hair density is one of the most important signs that answer the question 'How do you know that a hair transplant is successful?', as hair density is expected to increase after transplantation as a result of the follicles undergoing a natural growth cycle to produce new thick hair, so if you do not notice an increase in hair density, this is A sign of agricultural failure.
Hair texture
The transplanted hair must have the same texture as the existing hair. If it is different, this means that there is a problem with the transplanted hair that may lead to unnatural results and appearance of the hair, and this may require corrective measures later.
Hair line design
One of the signs of successful hair transplantation is that the hairline design is consistent with the shape of the forehead and the angle of hair growth so that your face looks natural. The hairline should not be too low or too high to ultimately ensure a natural shape and appearance for the hair. At Dr.'s clinics Hossam Tahseen - the only center accredited in Egypt by the global DHI network, which has 75 branches around the world - we take into account all facial measurements to design a natural hairline.
DHI hair transplantation does not leave scars after transplantation, and this is what distinguishes it from other hair transplant procedures, as it involves minimal intervention and thus ensures less trauma to the scalp. Therefore, the absence of scars is a sign of successful hair transplantation.
Even coverage
One of the signs of successful hair transplantation is obtaining equal coverage of new hair on the scalp without gaps or areas with thin hair. Our doctors at Dr. Tahseen Clinics take into account how to transplant hair uniformly on the scalp, taking into account factors such as hair density and the nature of the transplanted hair.
The pain is gone
It is normal to feel mild pain after the operation, and this pain disappears after taking the necessary painkillers, but if the pain and discomfort continue for a long period after the operation, this may be a sign of an infection or injury to the nerves during the transplant.
Now that we have told you 'How do you know that a hair transplant is successful?'... Read on until the end to learn about the signs of hair transplant failure.
Stages of hair transplantation
The DHI technique is a modified version of the FUE hair transplant technique, where hair follicles are extracted and transplanted in the same basic way, but using specialized tools. Here are the stages of hair transplantation in brief:
- Anesthesia and preparation: The surgeon begins by numbing the scalp using local anesthesia and preparing the head area for transplantation.
- Hair follicle extraction: Hair follicles are extracted from the back of the head using a precise and specialized instrument.
- Follicle transplantation: Hair follicles are loaded into a Choi pen-like device and transplanted into bald areas of the scalp.
- Post-operative care: After the transplant is completed, the surgeon applies antibiotic cream and covers the transplanted area with bandages to ensure safe recovery.
The procedure usually takes about 8 hours, and final results appear after 12 to 18 months.
When does the transplanted hair begin to appear?
The majority of people notice the results of the transplanted hair 6 to 9 months after the procedure, and it may take a year for others. This difference depends on the individual differences between people, including hair density, the cause of hair loss, the area of the transplanted hair, and the extent to which they follow the advice after the operation.
When are the final hair transplant results revealed?
The final results of hair transplantation appear in the period between 12 and 18 months. By this time, the transplanted follicles have penetrated the scalp and the hair has begun to grow naturally, becoming thick and filling all the transplanted areas.
Does hair transplantation increase hair density?
Yes, hair transplantation can increase hair density in the transplanted areas, as doctors at Dr.'s clinics try. Hossam Tahseen - the only center accredited in Egypt by the global DHI network, which has 75 branches around the world - transplanting the largest number of follicles per square centimeter to obtain natural results and thick hair. However, the density of the transplanted hair varies according to the condition of each patient and the targeted area. .
It is worth noting that the density does not increase with the increase of the transplanted follicles, as this depends on the natural hair density.
How do I know that hair transplant failed?
After we learned about the signs of successful hair transplantation, you should not miss reading about the symptoms that may alert you to the failure of the hair transplantation process and the need to consult the treating physician. These symptoms include:
- Signs of infection include: Swelling and pain in the transplanted area lasts for a long time.
- Constant bleeding.
- Implant site secretions.
- Weak or non-existent hair growth in the transplanted areas, or irregular hair growth.
- Abnormal loss of the transplanted hair and lack of growth 4 months after the operation.
- The presence of visible scars on the scalp.
- The surface of the transplanted area is uneven.
- Hair growth at angles that are inappropriate for the natural hair growth pattern.
All of these signs indicate that a hair transplant was performed in an unprofessional and unprofessional manner. Therefore, we advise you to contact Dr. Tahseen Hair Transplant Clinics for more information and details about the signs of successful hair transplantation or if you are thinking about hair transplantation. Our clinic includes an elite group of the most skilled, specialized and well-trained doctors. We cover all hair transplant techniques and choose the most appropriate one for your condition.