شكل القشور بعد زراعة الشعر

Scabs following hair transplantation| How they look

When you get injured in any part of your body, you start bleeding. Your body then works to stop the bleeding by collecting platelets and forming a scab. This scab's role is to stop the bleeding and prevent further blood loss. Therefore, seeing scabs over any wound is important, and there is no need to be concerned when you see scabs on the scalp after hair transplantation.

In this article, we will explain the appearance of scabs after hair transplantation, as well as the stages that scabs go through after hair transplantation. We will also answer some questions about the hair transplantation process, such as why scabs return two months after hair transplantation and when the follicles stabilize after hair transplantation. Presented to you by the doctors of the DHI Center, Egypt branch, please read this article to the end.


Scabs shape after hair transplantation

Some people are concerned about the appearance of the scabs after hair transplantation, but you should know that this is normal because the skin of the head and hair scalp are subjected to many shocks during the hair transplantation process, which is a good thing because it indicates the start of the hair transplantation phase. Recovery after hair transplantation.

Immediately after hair transplantation and on the second day of transplantation

The transplantation area is typically brown or black, but the area above the follicles becomes drier and brown, a phenomenon known as hair scaling. Hair scabs protect the skin from bleeding and infections caused by a variety of germs.



3-4 days after hair transplantation

 On the third day following hair transplantation, the shape of the scabs changes as they dry out and turn black. At this point, the person begins to clean his hair according to the doctor's instructions, and by the fourth day, the scabs after hair transplantation appear to be separated. 

5-8 days after hair transplantation

Scabs separate from the hair scalp and may eventually fall off on their own. On the sixth day, the scabs appear to be barely attached to the scalp, but removing them manually is not recommended. By the seventh and eighth days, the majority of the scabs had fallen out. 

Some scabs remain attached to the hair scalp, but they cause no harm. Scabs formation after hair transplantation is important because it indicates hair recovery, and once they have all fallen out, the hair begins to heal. 

Starting in the second week of hair transplantation, the hair may begin to fall out, giving the impression that the operation was unsuccessful. Some people wonder when the follicles will be persistent after a hair transplant. Let's find out.

Also know: 

How to remove scabs after hair transplantation

scabs after transplantation



How long does it take for grafts to set following a hair transplant?

The hair follicle is not the same as the hair, as it is the basic anatomical unit of the hair and is located beneath the surface of the hair scalp. It is made up of living cells that grow and reproduce to form hair.

As a result, only hair falls out, not follicles. In the first week, the follicles begin to settle in their place in the hair scalp, and the body accepts them as long as you follow the doctor's recommendations and instructions.


Scabs two months after a hair transplant

Some people are concerned about the appearance of scabs two months after hair transplantation. There are several reasons why scabs appear two months after hair transplantation, including:

  • The presence of dead cells on the scalp, which is caused by inadequate hair washing.
  • Infections caused by the accumulation of germs and bacteria in the scalp.
  • Dry hair and insufficient scalp moisturization.
  • Using products that are harmful to your scalp.
  • Severe sweating.

All of these factors may contribute to the appearance of scabs two months after a hair transplant.

To achieve the best results, you should first choose experienced doctors, such as those at the DHI center Egypt branch, and then follow their instructions after the operation. 


DHI Technology for Hair Transplant

The DHI technique, also known as Direct Hair Implantation, is one of the most effective methods used in hair transplantation and is performed by:

  1. Drawing the forehead line (for example), which is the area where hair will be transplanted, based on the client's preferences.
  2. Determine the donor area and anesthetize it with a painless anesthesia device to reduce pain during the operation.
  3. Determine the best follicles and start extracting them with a device called a Micrograph motor.
  4. Using the DHI pen, implant the follicles directly in the desired location.

To ensure healthy and appropriate growth, it is recommended that you follow the necessary care instructions for the scalp and transplanted hair after the procedure. 



Advantages of DHI technology.

DHI technology has many features that make it the best in the field of hair transplantation, such as:

  • The possibility of transplanting more than 5,000 hairs in a single session.
  • It is possible to transplant 80 hairs per 1 square centimeter.
  • There are no visible scars from the operation.
  • There is no need to shave hair from the transplant area prior to the procedure.
  • Faster recovery.
  • More natural transplant results.

Finally, the appearance of scabs changes day to day following hair transplantation, and they fall off by the end of the first week. Do not hesitate to contact the DHI Center in Egypt, and our medical team will provide you with all the necessary information.