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The best technique for hair transplantation

In the field of hair transplantation, standard transplantation techniques go beyond the ordinary to meet clients' personalized aspirations. Hair is not just strands covering the scalp, but rather an expression of self-identity and a great source of self-confidence. Searching for the best methods for hair transplantation has become important for individuals who seek to combine advanced technologies with superior luxury.

What is the best technique for hair transplantation? In this article, we offer you an exceptional journey into the world of hair transplantation techniques while learning about the best international techniques and their advantages in the world of hair transplantation. Follow along with us.


An overview of hair transplantation and its importance

Hair transplantation refers to the transfer of hair follicles from one part of the body to the recipient area, i.e. the scalp. It is a procedure used to treat hair loss and is sometimes called hair restoration. Although there are many techniques for hair transplantation, all of them involve taking grafts. ) or cut small pieces of skin that contain healthy hair - often from the back of the head - and move them to hairless parts of the scalp.



The importance of hair transplantation is:

  • Hair transplantation is a permanent solution to hair loss.
  • Regain self-confidence again and feel satisfied with yourself.
  • Treating bald areas of the scalp.
  • Restore youth and vitality.


The best techniques for hair thickening

In light of the tremendous medical progress in the field of hair transplantation, it has become necessary to search for the best techniques to restore hair again with the least side effects and in the fastest possible time. Before answering the question, “What is the best technique for hair transplantation,” we will discuss the most famous hair transplantation techniques and learn about all of them. One technique separately, mentioning its most important features, so that you can choose the best techniques for hair thickening.

Hair transplantation using FUT technique

It is one of the oldest methods of hair transplantation, in which a strip of skin and follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp, known as the donor area. This strip is then precisely segmented into individual follicular units using a microscope. After that, marks are placed in the recipient area for precise transplantation of hair follicle units.

  • Its advantages: FUT allows the transplantation of a large number of grafts in one session, which makes it suitable if you suffer from large bald areas. The results are natural, as the hair grows in the direction of the original growth pattern.
  • Disadvantages: The transplanted hair follicles are damaged, which reduces their survival rate. In addition, it is a painful process and leaves prominent scars in the donor area, which fade as the hair grows.

FUE hair transplant technique

FUE hair transplantation is a less invasive technique and involves extracting hair follicles directly from the scalp. It does not involve removing a strip of skin like traditional methods and therefore has fewer scars and a faster recovery period. Its most important features:

  • Its results are natural and suitable if a quick recovery without scars is needed.
  • Recover from surgery within a month.
  • Notice hair growth within 12 to 15 months.



DHI Hair Transplant Technique

Direct Hair Transplantation (DHI) is a globally patented hair transplantation technique, performed in 45 countries in 75 clinics, in which hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area and transplanted directly into the recipient area. Thus, the survival and growth of hair follicles increases, as the time spent outside the patient's skin is significantly reduced.

The most important characteristic of this technique, which makes it the ideal answer to the question “What is the best technique for hair transplantation,” is that:

  • It relies on instruments with a very small diameter (less than 1 mm), which reduces the size of holes in the scalp, without scarring.
  • Hair follicles are transferred directly from the donor to the recipient area without any treatment, so the risk of contamination is reduced to a minimum.
  • Less recovery time, so the client can return to normal function after one visit.
  • DHI hair transplantation technology enables the surgeon to control the angle and density of placement of each hair follicle.



What is the best technique for hair transplantation?

Now we can say that the answer to the question “What is the best technique for hair transplantation?” As it is clear from the previous paragraphs, DHI hair transplantation technique is one of the best techniques for hair thickening, and we summarize its advantages compared to other techniques in the following:

  1. DHI hair transplantation uses an advanced mechanism compared to FUE and FUT.
  2. DHI is always performed by board-certified surgeons, while technicians or nurses may be employed for FUE and FUT.
  3. DHI features a natural and customized hair line and provides a convenient customer experience.
  4. Permanent hair growth appears after 6-8 months, with results continuing to improve.
  5. Hair loss in the first two months is considered part of the recovery and indicates the success of the operation.
  6. DHI technology uses a single-use device, reducing the risk of infection and enhancing safety.
  7. Apply standard operating procedures (SOPs) that cover all operations, with the aim of ensuring safety, quality and achieving outstanding results at every stage.

At the conclusion of this article about “What is the best technique for hair transplantation,” the DHI technique stands out as a leading option for those wishing to regain their sense of confidence and revive their sense of youth. Now, you can benefit from this international hair transplantation technique through the DHI Center in Egypt.